No More Pain During Sex … With Nonsurgical ThermiVa!
According to the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG), pain during sex afflicts almost 3 out of 4 women at some point during their life. For some women, painful intercourse is a temporary problem. But for others, it may be a long-term problem that lasts indefinitely.
Erroneously, many women believe that pain during sex, decreased sexual sensation, vaginal dryness, and other sexual problems are “just a part of aging that they have to live with.” So, sadly, many women suffer in silence with painful sex, rather than seeking treatment.
But the good news is that revolutionary ThermiVa® vaginal rejuvenation – now available at Live Well in Santa Fe, NM – can remedy pain during sex, increase vaginal lubrication, improve vaginal tightness and sensation, and help restore sexual intimacy!
What Causes Pain During Sex?
Pregnancy, childbirth, aging, daily wear-and-tear, gravity, and hormone changes all take their toll on a woman’s body – including the vagina. The result is stretching, thinning, drying, and deterioration of the vaginal walls – which can result in loss of sexual sensation, a loose or lax vagina, vaginal dryness and itching, urinary incontinence, and pain during sex.
The weight gain of pregnancy, in addition to stress on the vaginal tissues during childbirth, often leads to stretching and thinning of the vagina. This is especially true for women who have had multiple vaginal deliveries. And while “Kegel” exercise can be helpful after childbirth to restore muscle tone, they do not increase lubrication or address thinning vaginal walls.
Menopausal hormone changes are another contributing factor to the development of pain during sex. As a woman enters menopause, her body produces increasingly less progesterone and estrogen – causing the vaginal tissues to become much thinner and less elastic. This is because collagen and elastin production is necessary for building and maintaining tight, ‘plump,’ firm skin anywhere on the body.
The body’s skin cells that are responsible for stimulating collagen and elastin production – called fibroblasts – are only activated when exposed to estrogen. So, as a menopausal woman’s estrogen levels decline, the vaginal tissue loses strength and elasticity.
Certain other medical conditions, illnesses, or medications can also cause intimacy to be uncomfortable or painful. A hysterectomy results in a cessation of estrogen production that can cause pain during intercourse. Similarly, the hormonal effects of PCOS can cause the tissue that is lining the vaginal walls to become thinner and lose elasticity – which may result in pain during sex. And in some cases, ovarian cysts or endometriosis can make intercourse uncomfortable.
Dr. Lynore Martinez at Live Well Functional Medicine in Santa Fe, NM is a board certified OBGYN who has specialized in women’s health for more than 25 years. She will be able to identify the specific cause or reason that you are experiencing pain during intercourse, so she can prescribe the treatment that is right for you.
ThermiVa® Reduces Pain During Sex
One of the most effect treatments for pain during sex is revolutionary, non-surgical ThermiVa® vaginal rejuvenation. ThermiVa® is a form of natural energy medicine that uses gentle but powerful radiofrequency heat to contract vaginal tissue, promote collagen and elastin production, and increase circulation and lubrication in the vagina.
By thickening and strengthening the vaginal walls, ThermiVa® reduces vaginal pain, laxity, and dryness. It also improves sexual pleasure by increasing vaginal sensitivity, developing stronger muscle contractions, and improving the ability to achieve stronger orgasms.
And, as an added benefit, ThermiVa® also improves the appearance of the external labia and decreases certain types of bladder leaks.
ThermiVa® Treatment for Pain During Sex: Procedure
A ThermiVa® treatment only takes from 30 to 40 minutes in our Santa Fe, NM office. It is a non-surgical procedure, so there are no incisions, and no anesthetic is needed. The treatment is not painful. A very slim wand is inserted into the vagina that is temperature controlled, so patients experience a gentle, warm sensation. Our Santa Fe, NM patients have reported that ThermiVa® treatments feel like an internal, warm massage.
In most cases, women suffering from pain during sex will only require three half-hour sessions, each scheduled about four weeks apart. And, because there is no surgery, there is no recovery period and no downtime. So, women can resume their normal daily activities immediately afterwards. In fact, patients can even engage in intercourse with their partner on the same day as their ThermiVa® treatment.
ThermiVa® Treatment for Pain During Sex: Results
Some patients will experience initial results almost immediately – including some increased vaginal tightening and lubrication. And most patients report feeling an improvement in comfort during intercourse in as little as two weeks. These results will continue to develop cumulatively over time, as the body continues to produce more collagen and elastin.
Sexual sensation, lubrication and comfort during intercourse will continue to improve until approximately three months after the final treatment, at which point patients should see their full results. Our Santa Fe patients also report that the treatment benefits last up to two years or longer. After 18 months, Dr. Martinez will typically recommend a ‘touch-up’ treatment to ensure that patients maintain the results of their treatment over time.
In addition to reducing or completely eliminating pain during sex, ThermiVa® can also improve the appearance of a distended, wrinkled, or sagging labia. Additionally, ThermiVa® helps reduce or eliminate certain types of urinary incontinence.
ThermiVa® Treatment for Pain During Sex | Santa Fe, NM
If you live in the greater Santa Fe, NM area, make an appointment with Dr. Lynore Martinez, OBGYN at Live Well Functional Medicine to find out if ThermiVa® is the right treatment to put an end to your pain during intercourse.
Remember, you do NOT have to live with pain during sex! Contact us today to schedule a discreet and confidential consultation – and take the first step to restoring pleasure during intimacy!
ThermiVa® Treatment for Pain During Sex | Santa Fe, NM: 505-988-4922
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