Stop Embarrassing Bladder Leaks with ThermiVa Urinary Incontinence Treatment
A January, 2022 study revealed that more than 60% of adult women in the U.S. – almost 78 million females – suffer from urinary incontinence. Yet, bladder leaks are so embarrassing for many women that they don’t discuss the problem with anyone – and never seek treatment.
If you are one of the millions of women who “pee a little” when you laugh, cough, sneeze, workout, run, or lift a heavy object you may have a very treatable condition called “stress urinary incontinence”.
Some women only leak a few drops, while others may soak through clothing. And while the likelihood of stress urinary incontinence increases after childbirth and as a woman approaches menopause, it can happen to anyone, at any age. Even women who are young, healthy, in good shape, and are not overweight may develop stress urinary incontinence.
And the resulting bladder leaks can negatively affect the quality of a woman’s daily life – at home, at work, socially, or even when just running errands or relaxing. Unfortunately, many women resort to wearing expensive and uncomfortable protective pads to deal with the leaks – rather than seeking medical help. However, a new, nonsurgical incontinence treatment called ThermiVa® is available at Live Well Functional Medicine in Santa Fe that can stop bladder leaks and give women their lives back!
Causes of Stress Urinary Incontinence
While stress urinary incontinence afflicts women of all ages, it most commonly develops in women during middle-age – either after pregnancy and childbirth, or during or after menopause.
The weight gain of pregnancy, coupled with the wear and tear on the pelvic muscles and vaginal tissues of childbirth, often leads to decreased bladder control. Women who have had multiple vaginal deliveries are at even higher risk of developing stress urinary incontinence. And while “Kegel” exercises can be helpful after vaginal delivery, most women find it difficult to find the right muscles to exercise, hard to perfect the technique, and impossible to remember to repeat the exercises three time a day, every day.
The hormone changes caused by menopause are another contributing factor to the development of stress urinary incontinence. As the female body approaches menopause, it produces increasingly less of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. This hormonal decline causes the vaginal and pelvic tissues to become much thinner and less elastic – resulting in loss of bladder control.
Most women realize that collagen and elastin production is necessary for tight, ‘plump’, firm skin on the face. But the same is true of the vaginal and pelvic tissue. The skin cells that are responsible for stimulating collagen and elastin production (fibroblasts) are activated when exposed to estrogen. But as estrogen production declines, both the face and the vaginal and pelvic tissues lose strength and elasticity.
In addition to loss of bladder control, vaginal tissue thinning due to menopausal hormone decline also can cause vaginal laxity, less vaginal lubrication, and painful intercourse.
How ThermiVa® Treats Stress Urinary Incontinence
The great news is that ThermiVa® – available at Live Well Functional Medicine in Santa Fe, NM – is a highly effective, noninvasive treatment that can stop bladder leaks, as well as remedy painful sex, and vaginal dryness and irritation.
ThermiVa® delivers gentle but powerful radiofrequency heat to the vaginal tissue via a slender wand. This state-of-the-art regenerative thermal energy treatment works three ways: (1.) it contracts the pelvic tissues; (2.) it stimulates production of collagen and elastin; and, it increases circulation in the pelvis.
And as the pelvic tissues are rejuvenated, bladder control improves and urine leaks decrease! Plus, as an added bonus, increased lubrication and vaginal wall thickness also makes sexual intimacy more pleasurable.
The ThermiVa® Urinary Incontinence Treatment Procedure
ThermiVa® urinary incontinence treatment is not painful. The slim wand is temperature controlled so that women only experience a gentle warming feeling. It is non-invasive and non-surgical, so there are no incisions, and no anesthetic is needed. The procedure itself only takes about 30 to 40 minutes in our Santa Fe area office.
In most cases, patients will only require three half-hour sessions, each scheduled about four weeks apart. And, because there is virtually no recovery period and no downtime, patients can resume their daily activities immediately afterwards.
ThermiVa® Urinary Incontinence Treatment Results
Most patients will experience some results almost immediately – including a reduction in bladder leaks and some improved vaginal lubrication. The results will continue to develop cumulatively over time, as the body continues to produce more collagen and elastin.
Urinary incontinence and other negative symptoms typically continue to improve until approximately three months after the last treatment, at which point patients should see their final results. In most cases, our Santa Fe patients report that the embarrassing leaks of stress urinary incontinence have become a thing of the past!
Our Santa Fe patients also report that the treatment benefits last up to two years or longer. After 18 months, Dr. Martinez will typically recommend a ‘touch-up’ treatment to ensure that patients maintain the results of their treatment over time.
ThermiVa® Urinary Incontinence Treatment | Santa Fe, NM
If you live in the greater Santa Fe, NM area, make an appointment at Live Well Functional Medicine to find out if ThermiVa® is the right choice to stop your urinary incontinence.
Contact us today to schedule a discreet and confidential consultation – and take the first step to saying goodbye to embarrassing bladder leaks!
Urinary Incontinence Treatment | Santa Fe, NM: 505-988-4922
“Updated Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Women: 2015-2018 National Population-Based Survey Data”, Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery: April 2022 – Volume 28 – Issue 4 – p 181-187; Authors: Patel, Ushma J. MD; Godecker, Amy L. PhD; Giles, Dobie L. MD, MS, MBA; Brown, Heidi W. MD, MAS; doi: 10.1097/SPV.0000000000001127
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